Episode 37: Navigating SEND Provision in Mainstream Schools: Understanding Graduated Response and EHCP Applications

Episode 37

Struggling to navigate SEND provision in mainstream schools for your child? Fear not, as SEND Consultant Tamsyn Hendry returns to provide valuable insights on the local authority graduated response and how it can pave the way for an EHCP application. We also touch upon the local offer, a crucial resource that offers parents and practitioners an overview of the system and accessible services.

Join us as Tamsyn breaks down SEND Support Arrangement Plans, essential documents containing invaluable information about your child, including critical reviews. These plans play a pivotal role when collaborating with speech and language therapists, community pediatricians, or occupational therapists. Furthermore, learn the significance of understanding the local offer and graduated response, as well as how to access the right advice and support. Don't miss out on the two free downloadable resources we share to help parents comprehend their child's needs and the support they can access.

Click here for free SEND support and advice sheet

Click here for free information on Understanding the local offer and the graduated response


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