Episode 16: Self Directed Education: how children can take control of their own learning

School starts back on Monday and for many neurodiverse children this can lead to feelings of dread and anxiety and a desire not to ever go back to school. The child’s anxiety is often looked upon as the problem rather than looking at the potential that the school is not the right environment for the child.

In this episode we will speak Dr Naomi Fisher a clinical psychologist who specializes in trauma, autism and alternative approaches to education. In this insightful discussion Dr Fisher will talk about the need to prioritize our children’s emotional wellbeing over the need to learn facts and stick to a curriculum.  What if we let go of our preconceptions of what learning should be and instead let our children take a self-directed, autonomous approach to learning through self-directed education.

Dr. Fisher’s book Changing our minds: how children can take control of their own learning really broke down a lot of my pre-conception about school education and even made me question some of my parenting techniques.

Please reach out to me on olivia.kessel@sendparenting.com

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