Episode 20: Never Give Up

20th Episode of SEND Parenting podcast!

In this episode, I share a candid personal update on my journey as a parent to my daughter Alexandra. I look back at all the incredible things that she has achieved against the odds, and I talk to her about her difficulties, struggles and triumphs (including writing the song 'Never Give Up', which we use as the intro to this podcast). You can watch the video of Alexandra singing ‘Never Give Up’ here.

However, it's not all sunshine and roses. I also share my personal struggle to never give up as a parent even when it is really, really, really hard. My three top tips:

  1. Never give up

  2. Find the support you need to decompress and find solutions

  3. Be kind to yourself - fill up your emotional batteries so you can be there for your child 

    Click here to see the full transcript