Episode13: Late diagnosis a candid chat with Heidi Mavir best selling author of Your Child Is Not Broken

Has your child started struggling at school later in their childhood perhaps after moving school environment or starting secondary school? Or if your child has diagnosis and you have wondered if you are just like them? In this In this episode we will be joined by Heidi Mavir bestselling author of Your Child is not Broken. 

She will share with us her journey of late discovery of an ASD/ ADHD diagnosis for her son and even later one for herself. 

 Their late diagnosis didn’t change who they had always been but helped them to navigate some of the struggles in a neurotypical world. 

Please click on link to access Heidi Mavir’s book Your Child Is Not Broken

To access Heidi’s webinars for a 50% discount enter SPPGIFT Click link for access

Please reach out to me on olivia.kessel@sendparenting.com