Episode 8: Harnessing technology to empower children who struggle with reading or writing

Does your child struggle with reading or writing? Technology may be able to provide a bridge for your child to overcome those struggles. In this episode Sallie Greenhalgh,  Academic and digital lead at the Unicorn School, will describe how Microsoft technology can break down the barriers to learning and empower children to reach their potential.
 I am truly thankful as someone with neurodiversity to live in a world where technology makes life easier. My daughter has struggled with fine motor due to her cerebral palsy and dictation has enabled her to unlock her thoughts and put them to paper. Both of us rely completely on spelling and grammar corrections which allow us to use the words we want to use versus the words we  can spell. If you haven’t yet harnessed technology to support your child this is the episode for you

Sallie Greenhalgh has kindly agreed to give her email address for anyone who would like to reach out for further information sallie.greenhalgh@unicornoxford.co.uk

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