Episode 3: Does Your Child Need an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP)? | Empowering Parents with Neurodiverse Children

S.E.N.D. Parenting podcast is focused on empowering and supporting parents and their neurodiverse children.

Have you been struggling with the question of whether your child needs an educational health care plan (EHCP)? It was a question I struggled to answer for my daughter.

In this episode, Adam Friel, partner and head of Education Law at Geldards will give us his unique lens on this question of whether your child needs an EHCP. He will share with us his personal journey as a dyslexic through the education system as well as his realization of his son's needs for an EHCP with autism. 

His message is powerful and stresses the earlier you intervene the better the outcomes  for our children with SEND. 

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