Episode 5: Autism and ADHD a Mother and Daughter’s Journey

S.E.N.D. Parenting podcast is focused on empowering and supporting parents and their neurodiverse children.

In this episode, we will be joined by Catherine working mom of three, who has kindly agreed to share with us her daughter's journey to eventual diagnosis of autism and ADHD. She will take us through how she felt when she first got confirmation of Coco's diagnosis, her experience of wondering why me did I cause this? What does this mean for Coco's future? Will she be independent? She'll describe her personal self educational course in neurodiversity, which broke down for her, the stereotypes of the labels of autism and ADHD and led to not only her acceptance of her daughter's neurodiversity, but really viewing it as a gift for the whole family to learn and embrace. Her journey really, really resonated with me, and I believe it will resonate with a lot of parents. Please keep listening to hear Catherine and Coco's story.

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