EP 73: ADHD Symptoms & Solutions

Episode 73

When my daughter Alexandra was diagnosed with ADHD, it challenged everything I thought I knew, both about the condition itself but also, and more importantly, parenting my child. Having dispelled and debunked all the myths and misinformation there is about ADHD online last week, this episode is a deep dive into the symptoms, issues, and solutions. I approach this subject from the lived experience as a mother to a daughter with ADHD and from a clinical perspective as a doctor. 

I deep dive into some of the lesser known ADHD symptoms (like emotional dysregulation), how they have presented and caused issues in our home life, and the accommodations we have made. I cover all kinds of changes we've made like medication, diet, visual aids, sleep hygiene, and school accommodation. I'm here to offer a roadmap of actionable strategies to bring a sense of hope to your family. 

Join me for an honest, informative session filled with the tools you need to support your neurodiverse child in a world that's just beginning to understand them.


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