Books Recommended by SEND Parenting

Changing our Minds by Naomi Fischer

Changing Our Minds: How Children Can Take Control of Their Own Learning by Naomi Fisher

Book recommendations for my neurodiverse child

Your Child is Not Broken: Parent Your Neurodivergent Child Without Losing Your Marbles by Heidi Mavir

Square Pegs an informative memoir of my experience of parenting children with additonal needs -the good, the bad and the painful. It let’s people know they are not alone going through tough times, and some hints and tips to help

This is a story about the cutting-edge medicine that has saved a generation of babies by Olivia Gordon

Differently Wired: Raising an exceptional child in a conventional world by Deborah Reber

Differently Wired. Raising an Exceptional Child in a Conventional World by Deborah Reber

Stolen Focus by Johann Hari

Stolen Focus: Why You Can’t Pay Attention by Johann Hari

A guide for schools is a book for educators who find themselves torn between a government/Ofsted narrative around behaviour, attendance and attainment, and their own passion for supporting square pegs and their families.